Emergency Lighting
It is a recommendation of BS5839-1:2016, that emergency lighting is maintained by a competent person (someone who has relevant training and experience) annually. Lighting levels and building requirements for emergency lighting are governed by the Fire Safety Order (FSO), the Health & Safety at Work Act and Building Regulations, specified to the location of the premises. The British Standard BS5266-1:2016 recommends the standard required, and EN 1838 governs the product standard that should be installed.
Emergency Lighting is normally situated in escape routes and high-risk areas of Industrial, Commercial and some multi-storey residential buildings.
Emergency Lighting normally operates automatically upon failure of the power supply. Its main purpose is to give illumination of a sufficiently high level to allow occupants safe evacuation of the building. Without emergency lighting, it is possible that the sudden loss of lighting could lead to the occupants becoming panicked or physically injured. For this reason, it is important to have sufficient emergency lighting, and that it operates correctly.
GL fire solutions can help you ensure that your emergency lighting system works to the desired minimum requirement, and that it is adequate to aid occupants in the event of lighting failure by offering: –
- Fully specified system design
- System installation and commission
- Regular preventative maintenance visits
- Call-out service to carry out fault investigation or repair work as required.